Get your free trial of CI-Sign

And start managing email signatures centrally. You'll be up and running in minutes.

Please enter your full name and your email address. We will send you a total of 2 emails: The first one contains all information you need to get started. In a few days you'll receive a second email asking you for feedback (you can ignore it if you like). That's it.

100% no-risk free trial


If you have any questions you can request a callback. Our support or sales team will be happy to call you and answer your questions. Please fill out the form below to request a callback.

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Ihre Meinung

Please let me know what you think about our solutions and services. Positive feedback motivates us and constructive criticism gives us the opportunity to improve and do better. Your opinion is immensely valuable. I will read and respond to your comments personally.

Manfred Büttner, Managing Director

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