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Please let me know what you think about our solutions and services. Positive feedback motivates us and constructive criticism gives us the opportunity to improve and do better. Your opinion is immensely valuable. I will read and respond to your comments personally.

Manfred Büttner, Managing Director

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Very fast and good support!
Yannic Jörg
Again, very quick support after we had a little situation with Out-of-Office solution. Problem was solved within 10 minutes. I can say that support from CI-Solution is the fastest one which I ever have used. Thank you
Marin Posavec
We've tested several solutions (Exclaimer Signature Manager, Fischer & Kerrn ActiveSignature, Symprex EMail Signature Manager, PolicyPatrol Outlook Signatures, ...) for a centralized Outlook signature management and finally found CI-Sign. It covers all of our requirements. It's a great product, very simple to install & configure, but extremely flexible and powerful. The only downside is the documentation, but it's solved for a brilliant support service. Incredibly fast answering questions, solving doubts and even modifying the product to adapt to customer requirements.
Jose Gerez Morata
I can only report on the support (telephone & email). Problems are always handled competently and friendly - usually within the shortest possible time.
Marcus Stein